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Statistics‎ > Demography and social statistics‎ > Income, expenses and living conditions
ReportDefault action is runMoney incomes of private household by economical status of household head at work [ps2001rs]
ReportDefault action is runRisk-of-poverty before social transfers by sex and age-group (including old-age and survivors´benefits) [ps2036rs]
ReportDefault action is runRisk-of-poverty before social transfers by sex and age-group (except old-age and survivors´benefits) [ps2035rs]
ReportDefault action is runRisk-of-poverty after social transfers by type of households [ps2034rs]
ReportDefault action is runMoney incomes of private household by childs [ps2003rs]
ReportDefault action is runRisk-of-poverty rate after social transfers by economic activity and sex [ps2031rs]
ReportDefault action is runRisk-of-poverty rate after social transfers by ownership form [ps2030rs]
ReportDefault action is runMaterial deprivation rate by selected age groups and sex [ps2029rs]
ReportDefault action is runIncome of households [ps3001rr]
ReportDefault action is runRisk-of-poverty rate after social transfers by sex and age-groups [ps2032rs]
ReportDefault action is runExpenditures of households [ps3002rr]
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