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Statistics‎ > Branch statistics‎ > Transport and postal services
ReportDefault action is runEconomic indicators for transport and storage by NACE Rev. 2 [do1001rs]
ReportDefault action is runTotal indicators for transport and posts [do1003rs]
ReportDefault action is runRailway transport - transport of goods and transport of passengers [do1005rs]
ReportDefault action is runRailway transport - the indicators of performances and safety of operation [do1006rs]
ReportDefault action is runRoad transport - the infrastructure, motor vehicles, traffic accidents [do1012rs]
ReportDefault action is runRoad transport - transport of goods and transport of passengers [do1007rs]
ReportDefault action is runInland waterway transport - transport of goods and transport of passengers [do1008rs]
ReportDefault action is runInland waterway transport - the infrastructure, vessels [do1011rs]
ReportDefault action is runAir transport - transport of goods and transport of passengers [do1009rs]
ReportDefault action is runAir transport - the number of civil planes, airports performances, performances of general aviation [do1010rs]
ReportDefault action is runEconomic indicators for transport (2002 - 2008) [do1002rs]
ReportDefault action is runRailway transport - the infrastructure and the states of fleet [do1004rs]
ReportDefault action is runLength of roads [do3002rr]
ReportDefault action is runNumber of motor vehicles [do3003rr]
ReportDefault action is runSurvey on infrastructure situated on the roads of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd class [do3004rr]
ReportDefault action is runLocal communications and objects on local communications [do3005rr]
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