Self-employed persons by selected economic activities (NACE Rev. 2) [og3002rr] | Number | Last update:29.04.2022 |
| Year | NUTS * | | Territory | | | | | | |
NACE Rev. 2 | | | |
NUTS 1 - Slovak Republic, NUTS 2 - Areas, NUTS 3 - Regions, LAU 1 - Districts, LAU 2 - Municipalities, NUTS * - Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics | |
Indicator | Self-employed persons by selected economic activities SK NACE Rev.2 | 2019 | Slovak Republic | Total | 323 896) | Agriculture, forestry and fishing | 12 456) | Manufacturing total | 52 874) | Mining and quarrying | 46) | Manufacturing | 52 332) | Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply | 9) | Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities | 487) | Construction | 82 155) | Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcykles | 60 940) | Transportation and storage | 9 807) | Accomodation and food service activities | 10 287) | Information and communication | 12 481) | Financial and insurance activities | 3 003) | Real estate activities | 1 822) | Professional, scientific and technical activities | 36 691) | Administrative and support service activities | 15 319) | Education | 5 061) | Human health and social work activities | 990) | Arts, entertainment and recreation | 2 574) | Other service activitieas | 17 436) |
Explanations to symbols: | Macron (–) | event does not exist | | *Of which | refers to complete selection of items | Cross (x) | means that the entry is not possible for logical reasons | | Of which | refers to incomplete selection of items | Dot (•) | in the place of a number denotes that the figure is not available or reliable | | Break symbol | refers to that the comparability of dataseries is cut off due to methodology oranother reason | Capital D (D) | means that it is not possible to publish the figure because of its individual character | | Zero(0; 0,0; 0,00) | denotes a lower value than the smallest unit expressible in the table in an absolute form | | | | | | Contact to Information Services : tel. +421 2 50 236 339; +421 2 50 236 335; e-mail: info@statistics.sk Conditions for use data the SO SR | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC - BY) |
| Page:1 | © Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic | Feb 7, 2025 |
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