Cached Prompt Data

For reports that prompt for values each time that the report is run, you may want to use cached prompt data. Reports run faster because data is retrieved from the cache rather than from the database.

The cache is used only when a requested language is the same as one in the cache. For example, the cache contains data for English, English (United States), and German (Germany). When prompted, you request English (United States) for the report. There is an exact match and the cached data is used. The cached data is also used when there is a partial match. If you request English (Canada), the cached data for English is used. If you request German (Austria), there is no match and the cached data is not used.

You can use caches for reports or report views. For report views, the report view cache is used first. If no report view cache is found, the cache for the associated report is used.

You must use a job to create or refresh a cache. You can refresh the cache automatically by scheduling the job to run periodically. If you want to use live data the next time that you run the report, you can clear the cache.