Cognos Mobile logging

IBM® Cognos® Mobile records activities related to service startup, configuration setup, and running reports in the mob.log file in the c10_location/logs directory. This is the default type of logging in Cognos Mobile.

The logging information that appears in the mob.log file is determined by the c10_location/configuration/mob.log4j.xml file.

When using the default mob.log4j.xml file, an administrator can monitor the Mobile service for events such as database schema upgrades, Mobile service configuration settings and advanced settings changes, and warnings and errors. However, the default mob.log4j.xml file does not include the Debug logging level. If you need this level of logging in your mob.log file, you must enable debugging. For more information, see Increasing default Cognos Mobile logging capabilities to debug levels.

The following table specifies the logging levels in the mob.log file, from the highest to the lowest level:

Table 1. Logging levels in mob.log
Logging level Description


Provides debugging information. This level is typically used for debugging specific problems.

This level is not available by default and must be enabled. For more information, see Increasing default Cognos Mobile logging capabilities to debug levels.


Provides information about IBM Cognos Mobile.


Indicates a suspicious occurrence that might warrant further investigation.


Indicates a serious error condition that requires intervention.

The level of logging that the user chooses includes all the levels below it. For example, if the user chooses Info, then warning and error messages are also written to the log file.